Strategies for Healing Hearts is a non-profit seeking to restore individuals and families to whole health

By addressing stress-induced issues that weaken the body, mind, will, and emotions, that undermine relationship with self and others.


Strategies for Healing


Help someone with extreme trauma who …

Can’t maintain a relationship

Finds it difficult to keep a job

Suffering from insomnia, night terrors or flashbacks

Experiencing high anxiety that is debilitating

Struggling with addictions/compulsions

Having difficulty focusing

Feeling irritated or having angry outbursts

Experiencing suicidal thoughts

Isolating from loved ones

That has become hopeless

That might be at the end of their rope

Strategies for Healing Hearts is the non-profit arm of Strategies for Healing, an integrative business addressing the individual, Body, Soul, and Spirit. It gives people the opportunity to give towards the recovery of someone who may not otherwise be able to get help.

Your tax-deductible donation will go 100% to help those who contact us who may not be able to afford our services. We do not mark up the cost of our services, in fact, we discount them so that dollars can go farther.

Our integrative therapies address the stress that keeps individuals stuck and unable to move forward. When the body is brought into a relaxation response, the Autonomic Nervous System is able to balance and symptoms can begin to ease.


Together we will investigate the negative issues in your life and follow them back to the core belief systems that you are living out of that you may not even have been aware of.


Strategies for Healing Hearts


Strategies for Healing Hearts address pain issues in the body as well as mental and emotional stressors that can lead to the destructive pathway of addiction (no matter what it is). 


Stop suffering from …


Body Healing



Chronic pain


Stiffness in muscles and joints

Post-surgical recovery or accident recovery
(working with your care-provider)


Mind Healing



Overwhelming thoughts leading to indecision

Worrying about what could go wrong, rather than what can go right.

Feelings of guilt associated with standing up for personal rights.

Low self-esteem. A tendency to judge self harshly, perfectionism, and be self-critical.


Emotional Healing



Isolation, fear of people, and fear of authority figures.

Anxiety and fear that paralyzes and impedes victorious living and decision making.

Constantly seeking the approval of others.

Frightened by angry people and personal criticism and/or becoming angry and critical.

Have become an addict, married one, or both.

Perpetually being the victim / seeing the world from the perspective of a victim.

Avoidance of feelings related to traumas experienced. Denial of feelings.

An overdeveloped sense of responsibility.

Concerned about the needs of others to the degree of neglecting personal wants and needs.


Addiction Recovery Assistance



Alcohol / Drugs

Work / Social Media

Sex / Porn

Gambling / Adrenalin


Strategies for Healing Hearts seeks to restore individuals and families that are broken. Even when the family unit cannot be salvaged due to death or divorce, partners and children deserve the opportunity to heal the internal wounds inflicted by a stress-filled modern culture and addictive behaviors.


Mother and daughter talking


We give children and adolescents a safe place to process what is happening in their family, giving them tools to use in coping with the traumas.

We believe when kids are validated, listened to and allowed to express their emotions concerning their lives—that it will help them grow up without the stuffed emotional damage that causes so many problems when they become adults.

We use sophisticated bio-communication software (and other energy medicine and technology tools) to ascertain emotional imbalances that will free family members to heal from the trauma of addiction and make different choices for their own lives.

Strategies for Healing Hearts is a faith-based nonprofit affecting the community with education and resources that will restore families to whole health, body, soul, and spirit.



Strategies for Healing Hearts

Shareable Donation link:

This is a nonprofit extension of Strategies for Healing and is for the sole purpose of assisting those individuals and families who need therapy, and to obtain it.

Your tax-deductible donation helps fund therapies and services for those who are unable to pay.

For more information, please feel free to contact us.


Federal Tax ID 27-3027443
The Missionary Church International  (TMCI)